This, this this… Giselle, I just found your substack… god I am inspired by the wise women I am discovering on the internet, pouring out their hearts and souls, pain and all… I am at the Saturn return destruction - in the mother of deaths (of this decade), unsure of how or if - anything - will “work out” (praying I can afford to make ends meet, and not sell my soul - I just want to write and make art and frolic too) but I am close to shaving my head, and I have sworn off men (ha), am deep in the ancestral trauma healing, and finally living alone… and your essays, particularly this, offer strength. And a reminder of what I know - that life is cyclical, and some of us just signed up to feel it ALL and heal a lot more than perhaps our share. Thank you for your writing, I feel like it offers courage from the other side (of this Saturn return)… and I see myself in your words, deadly.

“The dream is the space and time to frolic, rest, have sensually slow mornings, spend a few months in different places, letting cities and the sea be my source material. To eat abundantly and laugh with my girlfriends on cheesecloth blankets in lavender-freckled fields. But mainly, I just want to write. I want to write and make art. I want to feel free. I want the dream that capitalism hasn’t found a way to market to us yet.”

- is this the dream of so many of us sensitive souls, and rebellious artists and healers, who can no longer tolerate society and it’s facades and illusions? This piece was so resonant.

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I listened to this instead of reading and oh, what a music to my ears to hear your joy. I love this new chapter!

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what a joy to read your writing, feel your courage and witness your metamorphosis.

and if that's what it takes, be difficult darling

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Jon, thank you for reading my words and for holding me with your knowledge and questions to get me here. Eagerly awaiting the launch of yours! The world is ready.

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